Circular: Instructions to Shares Buyback by Public Shareholding Companies “Treasury Stocks” for the year 2014


Jordan Securities Commission
Number: 2/1/2074
Date: August 25.2014
Instructions to Shares Buyback by Public Shareholding Companies “Treasury Stocks” for the year 2014
Messrs of Public Shareholding Companies,

Referring to the provisions of Items (B and C) of Article (14) of the Instructions to Shares Buyback by Public Shareholding Companies “Treasury Stocks” for the year 2014 stipulating the following:

• (14/B): “Subsidiary and Fellow Companies are prohibited from owning shares in the Parent Company”.
• (14/C): “Subsidiary and Fellow Companies shall make adjustments in accordance with the provisions of Item (B) above at maximum on June 30.2014. For justified reasons, the Board of Commissioners may extend this period of time for public interest”.

We kindly urge Public Shareholding Companies to file with the Commission the following:

1. A list clarifying names of Subsidiary and Fellow Companies to your company.
2. A list clarifying number of shares owned by Subsidiary and Fellow Companies in your company.

HE Mohammed Saleh Hourani
Executive Chairman

Copies to:
1. Information Technology Department.
2. Communications and Media Department.