Board of Commissioners’ Decision No.183 dated July 4,2022


Approving the registration of the following issues and treasury bills, and requesting the Securities Depository Center    to register them:
The 21th  issue of the Jordanian 5-year Treasury Bonds for the year 2022, with a maturity on 20/6/2027, for an amount of JD50,000,000,
The 22th  issue of the Jordanian 10-year Treasury Bonds for the year 2022, with a maturity on 23/6/2023, for an amount of JD75,000,000 .
The 10th issue of the Jordanian 6-year Treasury Bonds for the year 2022, with a maturity on 10/12/2022, for an amount of JD50,000,000 .
The 11th issue of the Jordanian 1-year Treasury Bonds for the year 2022, with a maturity on 20/6/2023, for an amount of JD50,000,000 .
The 5th issue of the National Electricity Co. Bills  1-year , with  a 
maturity on 22/6/2023, for an amount ofJD75,000,000 at Jordan Securities Commission, upon paying the prescribed fees, and requesting the Securities Depository Center to register the Treasury bill issue.
Granting Mr. Waleed Mahmood  Khader Abdullah a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage in local financial market, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mr. Bassam Ghazi Sandouqa &Mr. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Reyaleh , Mr. Fares Fathi Shahadeh , Mrs. Amal Ibraheem Asad,Mrs. Niveen Darweesh Abu Kleib, Mrs.Nisreen Omar Aljayeh, Mr. Jad George Alsaqa, Mr. Asem Radi Alturk  a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage in Foreign markets, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mr.Loay Emil Azar, Mr. Sami Atallah Shreim, Mr. Ahmad Mohammad Barkat a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage in foreign markets, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mrs. Rania Fakhri Abu Salem a license to practice  the activities of investment manger in local financial market and the activities of investment manager in foreign markets, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mr. Ghaleb Wael Mehyar a license to practice the activities of financial advisor, investment manager in local financial market and foreign market, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mrs. Samar Harbi AlHroob and Mr. Mohammmad Amjad Alteibi a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage in foreign market, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mr.Tarek Abdullah Alnajar and Mrs. Rasha Jawhar Sarsour a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage in foreign market, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mrs. Mananr  Musa Khalad and Mr. Salman Mohammad Saeed Algazawi a license to practice  the activities of financial brokerage in foreign market, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mrs. Reem Ghassan Al zubi a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage in foreign market, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting  Mr. Bashar Muhammad Alamad and Mr. Shaker Musa Zaid Al-Kilani a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage and financial advisory in foreign markets, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mr.Waseem Haitham Jumaa and Mr. Muhammad Jamal AlSalymrh a license to practice  the activities of financial advisory in foreign market, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mr.Samer  Hussein Abu Samour a license  to practice the activities of financial brokerage and financial advisory in foreign market, upon paying the prescribed fees.
Granting Mr. Amer Hamzeh Almasri and Mr. Ahmad Hassan Al-Momani a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage in Foreing Market, upon paying  the prescribed fees.