Board of Commissioners’ Decision No.217 dated July 24,2022


-  Approving the registration of the capital increase in shares of United Financial Investments Co. of 2,000,000 shares through non-public offering, and allocating these shares to  Invest Bank  at a nominal value of JD 1 per share, or 90% of the last closing price of the company's share on the date of the Board's approval whichever is higher, provided the following:
Prohibition of disposing of these shares for a period1-year from the date of completion of the issuance procedures at the Commission.
The issuance procedures must be fulfilled within a period not exceeding 30 working days from the date of the Commission's approval to register these shares.
Paying the prescribed fees.

- Granting Mr. Baha’ AlDeen Reze’ Ababneh a license to practice the activities of financial brokerage in local financial market, upon paying the prescribed fees.