97.6% is the percentage of companies that committed to disclosing their preliminary data for the year 2022


Chairman of the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC), Dr. Laith Kamel Al-Ajlouni, confirmed that the number of public joint-stock companies that have committed to providing the JSC with the results of their preliminary work for the year 2022 during the legal period specified in accordance with the provisions of Article (43) of the Securities Law and the provisions of Article (3) of the Disclosure Instructions has reached (165). A listed company constituted 97.6% of the total number of companies. The number of non-listed companies that provided the JSC with the preliminary business results report for the year 2022 during the period specified in the legislation reached 30 companies, representing (53.6%).
Dr. noted. Al-Ajlouni stressed the JSC's keenness to ensure companies’ compliance and commitment to the Securities Law and the disclosure instructions that oblige companies to submit their specific periodic reports in accordance with the law and the instructions issued pursuant to it, in order to ensure that all shareholders are informed, at one time, in all transparency and fairness, of the results of the work of these companies.
  To activate and enhance the principle of disclosure and transparency, and to ensure that all public shareholding companies adhere to it, Dr. Al-Ajlouni said that the JSC applies the provisions of Article (21) of the Securities Law, which gives the JSC the authority to take legal measures against violators, which range from issuing violation notices to imposing financial fines.
The Chairman of the JSC added that this concern also comes from the JSC's objectives specified in the Securities Law, foremost of which is the protection of investors, indicating that the JSC, in coordination with the Amman Stock Exchange, publishes information and data related to these periodic reports immediately and immediately on the websites of both the JSC and ASE. Oman and through the use of the XBRL electronic disclosure system.
It is noteworthy that Article (43) of the Securities Law requires companies issuing securities to submit the following periodic reports: an annual report that includes financial statements audited by a certified auditor within 90 days from the end date of the fiscal year, and a quarterly report within 30 days from the end date of the quarter in question. Reviewed by a chartered auditor, a report on the results of the initial work after a chartered auditor conducted the initial review, within 45 days of the end of the company’s fiscal year, a report related to the election of the Board of Directors and any change in its composition or the identity of any of its members and issuing a public statement. Any essential information immediately upon becoming aware of it and providing it to the JSC.